Collaborated in a team of 12 in building a free degree planner for UNSW students aiming to provide a easier way to plan when to take their courses and explore potential courses available and review their degree progression.
Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Python, Redux, FastAPI, MongoDB, Docker
Collaborated in an agile team of 5 to develop a full-stack event management system with a unique loyalty program. Implemented a Flask-based REST API for seamless user interactions. Designed and developed a user-friendly frontend using ReactJS and Material UI. Built and maintained a robust MySQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
Tech Stack: React, JavaScript Python, Flask, MySQL, Bash, JWT
An AI based Heuristic game based on graph algorithms, which is played by predicting the next moves of hunters by dracula, based on the previous set of hunter's visible moves. We use basic djikstra's and breadth first search for the purpose of this project with a slight variation of minimax algorithm to predict the next move.
Tech Stack: C, Bash
An engaging and fun game in which the protagonist must accomplish numerous goals over a series of runs in order to finish and prevail. To provide the player a different experience on every run, the game features a number of game modes in addition to randomly generated game objectives and enemy motions. To ensure that code is available to extension but closed to alteration, the game makes use of object-oriented design patterns like Observer, State, Composite, Template, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Singleton, and Decorator. Java serves as the backend and JavaFx as fronted.
Tech Stack: Java, JavaFX, XML
This game was created for a 2-day long Game Jam hosted by UNSWGameDev society, This involved:
You can play the original game from Game.
Unity C#Used a backtracking algorithm to develop a program that could find a solution to a Sudoku problem using C++.
(Source Code)